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A Full Service Retirement Community

Welcome to Our Wesley Family

Wesley Village offers patients in and around West Central Illinois various services and resources for happier, healthier lives. We run a full-service retirement community designed to accommodate residents with a wide array of needs. Our community includes independent living homes and apartments, Wesley-at-Home homemaker and home nursing, skilled nursing home care, memory care and a short-term rehabilitation unit. It only takes one look to recognize why people choose us for their health care needs. We are the area’s only continuing care retirement community, and our Wesley lifestyle includes friendly neighbors, fun activities, rich amenities, and other options to satisfy whatever you want or need. Our community is a place to enjoy life and live worry-free.

What to Expect at Our Retirement Community

You can visit our community to see for yourself how Wesley Village satisfies our residents’ needs and provides a homelike atmosphere with a sense of community. Our core values include respect, dignity, compassion, honesty, diversity, and inclusiveness, and we maintain commitments to excellence with service quality, innovation, stewardship, accountability, and safety. In terms of spirituality, we encourage spiritual growth for everyone. We operate our community with the following details:

Mission Statement

It is Wesleys mission to honor and serve God by providing a caring, secure Christian Community, ministering to the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those we serve.

Vision Statement

Wesley Village will be the Provider of Choice for persons desiring to live in a caring Christian comprehensive retirement community.

dining hall

Highlights of Living at Wesley Village

Wesley Village’s community center is a perfect venue for local gatherings, with 3,000 square feet of room to accommodate up to 200 people. Residents enjoy a broad range of activities to maintain active lives. We provide opportunities for exercise and entertainment, covering everyone’s interests to ensure every resident finds pleasure and enrichment. We have a Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 am in our retirement center lounge. If you want to engage in bible study, you can join us in the chapel on Monday morning at 9:30 am. Please call the office to get in touch with our chaplin services.


Contact Us

Our Reviews

Wesley Village

1200 E Grant St
Macomb, IL 61455


Office Hours
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

1200 E Grant St, Macomb, IL 61455, USA