Giving / Volunteering
As a non-profit organization, Wesley Village relies on the support of its donors to sustain our services and expand our community. The financial support provided by donors enables us to update our facilities, add new services and programs, and help those residents who have outlived their financial resources and are dependent upon the generosity of donations through our Benevolent Care Fund.
Many of these donations are given in memory of or in honor of a family member or friend. Memorial gifts are a great way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one who has passed away. Honorary or Tribute Gifts are an ideal way to remember someone you admire on a special occasion such as a graduation, birth, anniversary, promotion, or retirement through a gift to enhance the lives of Wesley Village residents. The donor and person receiving the tribute will receive an acknowledgement of the gift without sharing the amount of the contribution. Both Tributes and Memorials are included in various publications, such as the bi-annual newsletter.
Planned Giving
Wesley Village understands that not all donors can make a gift during their lifetime. For this reason, we offer a variety of ways that individuals can donate after their life has ended. This allows the individual to leave their legacy and mark on Wesley Village, while still providing for themselves and their families while still living.
Planned Giving Vehicles
- Charitable Gift Annuities: Make a significant gift to Wesley Village now and receive a fixed, guaranteed income for life
- Gifts of Property, Stocks, or Bonds: The IRS considers the full-appreciated value of these assets as the deductible amount, regardless of the original cost. This allowance can substantially increase the opportunity to make a gift while benefiting both the donor and Wesley Village
- Insurance Policy or Retirement Plan: A portion or all of these benefits can be assigned to Wesley Village for its ministry to help older adults
- Bequests or Trusts: Consider a special gift or percentage of your estate in your will or living trust to help meet our residents’ future needs
You should also contact your attorney and/or financial adviser regarding the best way to maximize your gifts to enhance the lives and meet the needs of older persons at Wesley Village.
Current Use Gifts
Wesley Village also welcomes gifts of checks, cash gifts, or credit card donations throughout the year and are often given in response to seasonal appeals and special events. Such contributions may be earmarked to meet a specific program or service or may be undesignated, which are then applied to help meet the needs of residents at Wesley Village.
To donate, click the “Donate Now” button or checks may be sent to:
1200 East Grant Street
Macomb, Illinois 61455
For more information, contact us at 309-833-2123
Wesley Village utilizes the “Helping Hands Program” to recruit, organize, and recognize its various volunteers. Volunteers are critical in developing our services to enhance resident satisfaction. Our goal is to provide a professional, organized and beneficial volunteer program for Wesley Village and the volunteers themselves.
Click for Volunteer Application!
We have volunteer opportunities to fit nearly any schedule. We value the work our volunteers do, and we want to make sure it is just as meaningful to them, as it is to our residents. For more information, please contact Wesley Village, 309-833-2123.
Contact us today for more information on how to make a donation or to volunteer your time.